
When is Divorce Collaboration a Possibility?

businessman and businesswoman shaking hands.

We often hear that collaboration is the ideal outcome for couples going through a divorce. While it’s true that negotiating with your spouse to reach an agreement on crucial decisions can save time and money, it’s not always possible or even desirable. This blog will discuss the circumstances in which collaboration is achievable and those in which it is not ideal.

Circumstances When Collaboration May Not Be Possible

There are several circumstances in which collaboration may be difficult or outright impossible. These include domestic violence, drug use and addiction, or other destructive behaviors. In these instances, one party may be too emotionally or mentally unstable to collaborate effectively on decisions that could have serious long-term implications. In addition, negotiations may be unworkable if one partner has been found guilty of financial fraud or crime due to legal and ethical considerations.

In some cases, one partner may be too uncooperative to create an environment conducive to negotiation. If you find yourself dealing with a spouse unwilling to compromise on any issue—no matter how small—it may be wise to seek another option than collaboration. Finally, further cooperation can also become challenging if the two parties cannot agree on an attorney they both trust and respect.

When Collaboration Is an Ideal Outcome

Fortunately, most divorces do not involve complex circumstances like those outlined above; many are relatively simple in nature and amicable in approach.

Suppose both parties are willing and able to negotiate in good faith and remain open-minded about solutions that benefit both sides equally. In that case, collaborative divorce can work wonders in reaching a quick resolution while minimizing costs and preserving relationships between spouses and their children.

The key ingredient here is that both individuals must be willing to compromise; if only one partner does all the giving while the other takes without concession, then collaboration will fail no matter how hard you try.

Attorneys That Can Guide You Through The Process

The bottom line is this: tensions are high when faced with a divorce situation. Still, communication remains respectful, and collaborating on outcomes can benefit all involved parties – including the children of the marriage – by preserving relationships between ex-spouses and saving time and money over litigation processes (which cost more).

However, when legal considerations come into play or when one of the two partners shows signs of being too emotionally or mentally unstable for negotiation purposes, then it may not always be best to pursue collaborative divorce solutions but instead opt for alternative options such as litigation-based proceedings.

Regardless of what option is pursued, it is best to do so with the guidance of an experienced attorney. The team at BTR Law is prepared to help tackle your case today. Contact us by filling out the online form.

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