
What Documentation is Necessary for a Divorce?

Clipboard and papers on desk with pen.

Filing for a divorce can be a daunting task, especially if you're not sure what kind of documentation you'll need. To appropriately prepare for your divorce, having this paperwork and documentation organized can help expedite the process. The team at BTR Law can help explain what you need when you are filing for your divorce in Texas.

Financial Documentation

Much of the documentation you will need during a divorce is related to finances and expenses. These are crucial, as they will help the courts determine what agreement is fair to both parties and any children involved.

Banking Statements

You and your spouse will need to provide bank statements in order to prove your respective incomes. This is important information that the court will use to determine things like alimony and child support payments. If you and your spouse have separate accounts, each of you will need to provide documentation that demonstrates your finances.

Tax Returns

Both you and your spouse will need to provide copies of your most recent tax returns. This is important information that will also be used to determine things like spousal support payments. Without your tax returns, it will be difficult to reach a truly fair divorce agreement.

Other Financial Documents

In addition to bank statements and tax returns, you'll also need to provide any other financial documentation that may be relevant to your case. This could include investment account statements, retirement account statements, and more. If you are unsure if you should bring up certain documentation, make sure to ask your attorney.

Individual or Combined Expenses

To prove your income and expenses, you'll need to provide documentation such as pay stubs, credit card statements, utility bills, and more. This is important information that will be used by the court to determine things like child support payments and alimony payments.

Real Estate Documentation

If you own a home or other property together, you'll need to provide documentation related to this asset. This may include the deed, mortgage statement, and any other relevant paperwork. Furthermore, you and your spouse may also own other properties such as a vacation home or investment property. You will also need documentation for these in order to appropriately divide the property.

Insurance Documentation

If you have health insurance, life insurance, or any other type of insurance policy, you'll need to provide documentation related to these policies. For example, does the coverage you have provide care for your children? Or do you pay for most care out of pocket? This will help determine how much support will be paid.

Documentation of Assets and Debts

You'll need to provide documentation of all of your assets and debts in order to give the court a complete picture of your financial situation. This includes things like bank statements, credit card statements, mortgage statements, car loans, student loans, and more. If you have specific assets that you wish to retain ownership of, it will be paramount to demonstrate said proof of ownership.

Documentation of Marital Status

You'll need to provide proof that you are actually married in order for the divorce proceedings to move forward . This may include a copy of your marriage certificate or other documentation from the county clerk's office.

Proof of Residency

You'll need to provide proof that you live in the state in which you are filing for divorce. This may include a copy of your driver's license, utility bill, or lease agreement.

Do You Have Questions About Divorce Documentation?

Filing for divorce requires high attention to detail and organization regarding documents. If you have questions or are ready to start your own divorce process, the team at BTR Law can lend a helping hand. Contact us today for assistance.

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